Sunday, June 15, 2008

2 movies in a day


*takes a remote control and rewinds the present time to 3 days ago*

Almost as usual, Praveen asked me if I would want to catch a movie with him after class. Since I'll most probably fell asleep when I get home anyway, I was like, "Why not?" And since Yu Liang's following me back, I just asked him to watch the movie with us.

We were planning to watch The Happening at first, but since Praveen spotted that The Incredible Hulk would be showing on the same day, we opted for the latter. While there aren't too many fancy camera effects(excluding the vein-popping teeth-gritting ever-raging green guy), this show is still okay to me. Not too impressive, but not too disappointing either.

After the movie, I fetched Yu Liang back and met up with Praveen in a mamak stall just right under the Kasturi tuition centre at Taipan. Since he had to wait there for his girlfriend to show up and get some stuffs, I waited there with him. While we were busy talking out whatever random stuffs that came into our minds, a dumb-but-considerable idea came to Praveen's mind: Watch another movie.

As crazy as it sounds, I actually agreed to it. Since Chong's birthday has just passed by a day ago, we called him out. Unfortunately.. He can't. So we got Joshua out. And we ended up watching what we planned to watch earlier..

The Happening.

The show's premiere picture look cliched. The title seems boring. But the show itself proved otherwise.

I wouldn't want to spoil it out for you guys, but really, it is worth watching. This show freaked me out wayyyyyyyyyyy more than those Thailand horror/gore movies could. >.>


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