And there goes, my 20th birthday. Started with a heartful dinner with my lovely classmates, work, and a cake with family to end it.
Darn I'm getting old ><
Friday, July 30, 2010
2nd decade into the new world
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 1:32:00 AM 11 ppl have things to say! [-]
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Too good to be true
I should have knew it. Stupid me.
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 10:22:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Back from a month of stress
Hey peeps! Am back for a short update since I don't really have much time (nor mood) to blog much nowadays. I'm just lazy that's all =) though shutting down this blog is still far away from my thoughts. Probably won't happen. Hopefully.
Anyways yea, I'm back from a month+ of stress. Being students, stress is definitely not something new. It's old. In fact, it's soooooooooooooooooo OLD you don't wanna see it in the face anymore (if it even has one).
A presentation of mine during Communication Skills caused one of my friend to cry. ._."
This is a sample of stuffs I noted to myself for a week, right before submission for the Object Oriented Programming and Expert Systems subject:
Mon- read bk OOP n ES assignment
Tue- Do assessment, start OOP (recheck classes), ES
Wed- Separating the codes into different classes
Thu- Create bg for OOP
Fri- Filling in components for game, research earthquake detection system
Sat- Download midi-wav converter, making the game work
Sun- Add start/pause, add sounds, do javadoc comments n generate its html file, UML diagram, do ES report
Mon- Print ES report, burn OOP codes into cd
And this was just.. a snippet for the whole week of work.
My busiest semester to date ._.
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 11:10:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Badminton and only 2 hours of work
Just after class yesterday, my classmates and me went for badminton in USJ19. We would usually have it in the 3k sports complex nearby our college, but we tried the place nearby my house for a change.
RM12 per hour for rubber courts. Ain't it cheap? =] The only problem is that the place is quite some distance away from college, though.
Anyways, had quite a good time there. Managed to play good games most of the times. Yeap, I'm still this -close- to beating Chai. I must admit, he's good. But there will be a time when I'll defeat him. For sure! Chai this is war >=]
As usual, after badminton I would rush for work at college. Since the badminton court's nearby my house, I figured that I would take a bath at home first. But by the time I reach the workplace, it's already almost 6. And my work's supposed to start at 4 ==
To make matters worse, I forgot to bring my laptop's charger. And it's running at only 40% of it's battery life! I'll be dead bored at work if my laptop goes kaput. In which, it -did- went kaput soon enough.. Upon seeing my laptop went dead, Mr Almanzo told me I could sign off early and go.
I was like, "It's just 8.10pm! Work's supposed to end an hour later at 9!"
He was like, "Aiya nvm la, I also tired. Most students will be away for the college's cultural night, and I don't think anyone's gonna come anyway"
And I did went home. It was the first time I left work so early =]
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 11:38:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Sunday, April 25, 2010
"You're not an expert yet"
Heyya~ As most of you who frequents this blog have noticed, I went missing again. Sry for that =P
Like everyone else, I'm either too busy attending to my assignments or just too lazy to blog. Or Imight be away at my desktop playing The Last Remnant. It's way too addictive! Especially since I haven't been playing any RPGs for the past few years =/
Anyway, bout a month ago or so, we've been given an assignment to watch 'Hitch' (remember the show where Will Smith plays a love doctor?) and do a review about it. It isn't exactly a very difficult assignment to complete, but it was tricky since we have to comply with some lessons learned in class.
Not that I'm complaining bout it, but when my lecturer checked it, she (expectedly) returned it with lotsa red lines in it and asked me to change them. And this kinda hurts..
"You can't give your own definitions to things cuz you're not an EXPERT!"
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 9:11:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Dad's thumbdrive
Since the past month, dad has been trying to learn to use the computer. Having not trusted technology and being an IT-illiterate himself, his new work has made him to be more aware on the use of computers. So yea, since then he has been trying very hard to learn from me and my sisters.
Though of course, he still has trouble understanding the difference between files and folders, save and save as, enter and backspace, copy-paste and cut-paste, etc as well as having a hard time pinpointing the cursor, highlighting/dragging, and locating folders.
And today? My dad just got a new thumbdrive from his office.
"Hey! I just got a new thumbdrive from the office"
o_o "Wah. How big is it?"
"Neh, as big as my thumb lor."
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 8:57:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Mum's birthday
Just recently, I ditched Kumaran and the free gym sessions for sinful meals at Taipan's Uno Pizza. Oh well, can't help it since it was my mum's birthday. =P
The best mum in the whole wide world. I lurve you mum!
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 9:56:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Roti canai for dinner
I've been a very good boy for the past two weeks now, saving money and eating roti canai for dinner. Now that I'm using my own money for most things (including food, petrol, season parking, yamcha, etc), I'm starting to realise how important money is especially when you don't want to depend on your parents. Not that I never realised it before, but I never really felt the pinch until now.
For a start, I tried refusing yamcha sessions sometimes. Even If I did, I would just tag along, but keep ordering to the minimal. I even gave up dinners on those RM5+ meals to settle on roti canai and a teh o ais which would cost me less than RM3.
The trick to keep yourself full with that? Flood your roti canai with the curry and dhal and whatever nice gravy they provide, so it would be more filling. Works for me. =]
The only drawback here is, my body ain't getting enough nutrients. I'm in danger of getting much thinner (not like I'm thin enough already)! Darn it.
Actually I can't do much either. I'm stuck with this diet until I receive my next salary. Mr. Daniel oh please give me my salary alreadyyyy =(
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 11:25:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Remember when you drive..
Remember the moments when you sat down at your car porch, staring at the cars owned by your daddy, mummy, brothers or sisters? Remember how much you wished to be old enough so that you can drive away on those cars? Legally of course.
And then, you finally got old enough to obtain a license.
Remember the moments you spent training your driving skills under the watchful eyes of your driving instructor? Remember how close you came to bang the driving cones, sped/reversed off the slope, and possibly failing your driving test?
And then, you finally got yourself the legal P driving license.
Remember the moments that after obtaining the driving license, you got nagged by your parents/siblings/friends over your too slow/too fast/too reckless driving skill? Remember how happy you got finally being able to drive out to your friends' houses and to other places? Remember how generous you got to be offering a free ride home to just almost anyone?
And then, your probational license can finally be taken out.
Remember how glad you got knowing that you can safely drive other cars without P stickers on it without getting caught by the police? Remember how you looked at other sporty Lamborghini Ferrari cars and said you will own them by a certain age?
Oh, the excitements.
Right now I'm just plain lazy to drive out. And yeah, Ju Keat agrees with me too. Do you? xD
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 1:04:00 AM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Waiting for class to start
Am in Wee Jay's apartment now. Have nothing to do, for the next hour til class starts. Bored ==
Earlier before I came here, I met Melissa's mum and then Isaac too. Sat there and had quite a chat with him, found out that there were few others of his batch joining Sunway too.
And hey, I think I remeber who's the girl I met the other day. Remeber the kinda pretty girl I mentioned in the previous post? I think it's Wai Ling. lol. Don't think any of you know her though. But she sure had grown from the last time I saw her.
And in case you're reading, no I didn't forget who you are. I just doubted if that was you ;P
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 12:53:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Random encounter
Today, while walking towards the nearby food court for lunch, one girl (quite pretty actually =P) came up to me and said
"Hey Jason!!"
"o_o hihi~"
"Long time no see ya.."
"Yea lu.. how long d ar?"
"Quite long lor.. bout a year or so gua.."
"Oo.. yea hor.. quite long d.."
"Yea.. where you going?"
"Lunchtime. Cya later alrite?"
"K. Bye!" *walks off*
*who's she?* ==
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 6:26:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Monday, March 22, 2010
First day of semester 4
You know.. semester 4 classes finally started today. And the 6 subjects' names are quite catchy too.
Discrete Mathematics
Expert Systems: Implementation
Project Management 2
Web Programming 1
Object Oriented Programming
Communication Skills
What to do.. Year 2 d ma =/ Other courses do have rather interesting subject names too, such as Quantitative Techniques, Mobile Networking, Digital Electronics, Introduction to 3D Modelling, and Game Design and Development, among others. Yes, GAMES!!
And I'm stuck with programming all the way from now on. T_T
Anyways, class started today with Web Programming 1, and we're assigned to a (rather) new Korean lady lecturer. No offense but as expected, it was pretty difficult to understand her. Can't help it since English isn't her first language. Oh well.
Oh, and I met this kinda cute girl in the hostel while working on Friday. Hee~ =P
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 6:27:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Class starting tomorrow
Degree semester 4 is starting tomorrow!
But I'm still in the holiday mood.. =(
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 10:41:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Friday, March 19, 2010
Pangkor revisited
Hello! Just came back from Pangkor with my college mates. The place hasn't changed much apart from renovation works on the town, but everything else pretty much shaped up like how I remembered it to be.
A one-star hotel, but the hospitality there is very good. The hotel owner also drove us around a bit, and the people there are friendly. If you don't mind the one-star status, why not go there? ;D
More pics at my Facebook profile. Toodles!
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 10:32:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Pee or poo first?
Just recently, Andrew asked me something totally random during our work time. "Do you pee or poo first?"
According to him, its dependent on the gender. Guys usually poo before they pee, and girls the opposite; they pee before they poo.
Won't the situation vary everytime you go to the toilet? It can be either way right? Tell me whaddya think. =]
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 9:35:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Friday, March 12, 2010
How many of you went through the experience of having petsiblings (or korkor jiejie muimui didi abang kakak angkat) before? And how many of you retained (or will retain) that relationship until the times after you leave school life into college life, or when you started working?
Being one myself, I do have my own share of experiences. But from time to time, I do ask myself, "Why do I wanna have petsisters?".
Some may say, 'having' petsiblings are the then-trend. Say says petsiblings are just replacements for single people who don't have girlfriends or boyfriends yet. Some do it just for fun.
Personally, I (tend to) want younger petsisters because I don't have a muimui at home. I don't deny that the truth of the factors mentioned above, but perhaps this was really why I started having them in the first place. I do have older petsisters, and since they are away most of the time, I miss them lots.
My petsisters are mostly my juniors in the school, mostly made up of random close chit-chats overnight. Starting this relationship is one thing, and maintaining them is the, well, hard (?) part. Much like those bf/gf relationships most of you have already heard of, to me, having petsisters are like having additional members in the family. Of course, young, naive kids like us always misinterpret and have misunderstanding on this relationship with each other. I tried to keep us close together, but I often messed up the way (come on, I may not be that mature after all).
You know.. whether I call you petsis, muimui, baka, whatever it is, I love you all to bits. Whatever terms we refer to each other, you all are like my own sisters. This isn't the kind of bonds you should easily call it quits just like how bf/gf could.
However, just recently, the muimui that I had been very close with for the past few years, told me that "I can't bring myself to call you korkor anymore". I knew she would say this someday, looking at how she'd changed after she left high school into collegehood. She seemed so happy with her life now in which I guess, as a friend, I should be supporting her. Right? I'm still a lil sad that she will think this way, though.
Of course, not everyone thinks like I do. I've had numerous such 'petsisters', but only few of them still calls me their 'korkor'. I don't know why but everytime I hear them call me 'korkor', my day is instantly lit up. A smile decorates my faces immediately.
I don't know how long will this relationship last, but I hope the memories will be kept. No one says we cannot have bf/gf with petsiblings though.
Dear baka, I love you all! You know who you are. =)
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 12:52:00 AM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Labels: Family, Inspiration, Love, Opinion
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
After 2 months..
After 2 months, you finally opened a conversation window to me. But I know, we won't be able to talk like how we used to anymore.
Or can we?
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 11:02:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Labels: Conversation, Random
Monday, March 8, 2010
Ipoh overnite trip
Hey yo! I'm back. Anyone noticed?
The holidays are back again! Since we just went through a short semester, this break's gonna be for 2 short weeks as well. Just came back from an overnight trip to Ipoh last night with Annie, Ju Keat, Andrew and Edric (the driver XD). We pretty much stuffed ourselves with food throughout the whole trip, though Annie didn't really get to show us to all the places she wanted. Our stomachs just couldn't take it anymore. XD
Now that the holidays are here, I'm gonna have to think bout what I can do (and should do) again.. hopefully they are beneficial. Oh! I still have a few more episodes of Dragonball Z to go. Hee~Our stock to keep awake while driving there
The range of foods available in one local coffee shop (nice~)
Hakka mee which I confused with Hokkien mee
And if we're not eating? Playing cards!
For more pics just have a look in my facebook profile..There were still lots of food pics which I forgot to take ==
2 months after it happened, I still can't exactly tell if I've completely gotten over her. Sure I've stopped thinking bout it, but at times the moments we had still popped out out of nowhere. The good thing is, I'm not as upset anymore. All I wanted is just to really be wanted. Right now, I just couldn't bring myself to say "I'm happy to be single"
Deep inside I'm still searching.
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 11:05:00 PM 1 ppl have things to say! [-]
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Deja vu?
She (you know who) has a new bf now. Barely 2 weeks after we broke up. Apparently she never learns how to appreciate what she had.
It's alrite, I'm having fun watching how the -shameless third party guy- trying desperately to get her. Sometimes its really just so funny. Haha! About why I say he's shameless? This is what he admitted himself:
"jason:even im in 3 party then so wat??even in 2nd party oso not important...more important that is you hv to care that person not to salahkan her,am i rite??position is nt importnt ..you noe what is TRUE LOVE stand for???"
You judge.
I'm not entirely against him 'lecturing' me about love (which I doubt he even understands it) and third party second party all those stuffs, but I really don't appreciate the fact that he kept using God's name to back his so-called TRUE LOVE. The way I see it now, it's permissible by God (according to him) to interrupt and cause tension in other people's relationships. Please tell me if I'm wrong.
But come to think of it.. Everything that has happened, is a deja vu of my past.. Everything that has happened, hit me back, harder each time. That's what making me stronger each time I face a problem. I'm trying to be optimistic when the people around me are being pessimistic. I try to comfort, to encourage, to support. I may be standing now but sometimes, I need a shoulder to lean on too..
Sometimes, I just wish I can sit down face-to-face with someone I'm really close to and just tell them my feelings.
I'm just so predictable, ain't I?
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 12:53:00 AM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Sunday, January 17, 2010
It's ironic to have a heartbroken post right after its happier counterpart. Yea me and Rachel are no longer together.
Not happy with the -guy- who indirectly caused this.
Around a month ago, I was convinced that I've found the right girl for me, one that will stay together for a long time. One that has convinced me enough to be able to stay that long. I was convinced that her past will not repeat itself..
At least, not on us.
Barely a month together, you started having doubts over our relationship. Right after this -guy- shared something that stirred your heart, you started ignoring my messages with all kinds of excuses intolerable to a couple. You don't check your phone when I messaged you? That just means you don't even care if your boyfriend tried to reach you, do you?
I tried to convince myself again and again the situation is not as bad as I thought. I continued trying to reach you, even when you responded to just a tenth of it. Even those replies, I can feel they are made just out of 'giving me face and reply'.
You asked for time and space to think. I did.
And then you finally said you wanna be single again just because you felt you're so flower-hearted? I told you before I wouldn't mind that, but you just won't forgive yourself right? You just feel so bad, so guilty, you just wanna be single again. Okay then, since you tell it to me I respect your decision. Sure I'm disappointed with you, but I won't go around nagging you for breaking up with me. It's your decision after all.
Now that we're done, I'm sure the happiest guy now would be Vincent. Congrats! Now go do what you want with her. I wouldn't care less. If you get her, congrats again! And you better not be using God's name just to be with her.
If within this short period of time, Rachel, you got another bf, it would solidify the fact that you broke up with me just because you lose interest in me. Then again, it wouldn't matter anymore will it?
Go on with your life, get more mature and stop feeling guilty over your past. Do that while I sit here and take a few weeks to try and forget bout you. It's harder for me to forget about you than you forget about me.
Hopefully, we'll still keep in touch as friends. And thank you for the sweet (though barely a month) moment we spent together. *forces a smile*
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 3:12:00 PM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]
Sunday, January 3, 2010
<3 Rachel <3
Hsien was pestering me to update, so yeah. Here's one. =P
My holidays so far can be described in one sentence.. It's the same as the previous holidays! Made holiday resolutions, hardly anything done. All I could do is just sit in front of my laptop, fb-ing away or playing games occasionally. I wanna watch my movies and animes but I always got dragged to do other stuffs. XD
Seriously, I need to do something beneficial. *sigh*
Holiday's ending in a lil more than a week, and work's starting this monday. Network support shouldn't be too much of a job, or hopefully it's just nice to make the work worth working (by worth working I don't exactly means idling in there all day long).
School fees haven't pay. =/
Gotta apply scholarship again. =/
Gonna start lessons again soon. =/
Windows 7 still havent install. =/
I miss her. =(
Most of you might have already known, but yeah, I've got a new sweetheart by the name of Rachel. She's actually my first real love, and she's a Christian (yay!!), and she's not as (a lil too) young compared to my ex. And I'm happy! Ever since the previous incident I prayed to find someone like her.. And I found Rachel.
Thank you God <33
Ain't kiddy love anymore.. Will appreciate her and make every moment with her precious. Right now she's on the way back from Singapore, should be arriving in a few more hours' time.. I'm missing her already. ><
Why can't you understand the fact that I'm Rachel's bf? Leave her alone please ==
Oh well.. hopefully she gets back safely. Looking forward to our next outing!
<3 Rachel <3
[-] -Zephyrus- wrote this at 12:52:00 AM 0 ppl have things to say! [-]