Sunday, April 25, 2010

"You're not an expert yet"


Heyya~ As most of you who frequents this blog have noticed, I went missing again. Sry for that =P

Like everyone else, I'm either too busy attending to my assignments or just too lazy to blog. Or Imight be away at my desktop playing The Last Remnant. It's way too addictive! Especially since I haven't been playing any RPGs for the past few years =/

Anyway, bout a month ago or so, we've been given an assignment to watch 'Hitch' (remember the show where Will Smith plays a love doctor?) and do a review about it. It isn't exactly a very difficult assignment to complete, but it was tricky since we have to comply with some lessons learned in class.

Not that I'm complaining bout it, but when my lecturer checked it, she (expectedly) returned it with lotsa red lines in it and asked me to change them. And this kinda hurts..

"You can't give your own definitions to things cuz you're not an EXPERT!"



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