Tuesday, September 2, 2008



It's such a short day today, or so it seems. 2 hours more, and a new day's gonna start already. Now that I look back, have I wasted the day? I don't know. =)

Anyone wanna come to my church youth camp on 17-20th December? Info's on me, do tell me if ya wanna come. =D

One more thing, I've decided that from now on, all(if not most of it) my posts will have a random pic at the end of it. It may be funny, serious, calm, beautiful, boring, just a complete random. Without further ado..

Pic of the day:

Featuring Edward! Our new Cho Dai Di king. He'll keep his cool, keeping silent until the end, and then BOOM! Dai di, full house, 4-of-a-kind, double kill triple kill swoosh win us all.

And Sarah and me still hadn't got a chance to play our cards at one round. ==


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